Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dylan and Another Sonic Observation

Dylan got a Sonic burger for dinner tonight. They always put peppermints in the bag. I always throw them away. How many kids out there really like peppermints, seriously?

Dylan does NOT like them. He says he'd just rather have a chocolate instead.

Me, too.


Rebecca said...

How come I never get peppermints in my Sonic bag? Hmmm. Conspiracy!

Michelle said...

leave it to MY kids to me the ones to ruin it for everyone..they are the ones digging in the bag and fighting over the mints!!(thats not to say they perfer chocolate-but a treat in any wrapper is still a teat to them!)

Coopercomics said...

awww, I always thought that it was super thoughtful of sonic to put a breath saving mint in the bag. :) That is because I get lots of onions on my burger. I bet Dyl does not. haha

The Gage Cage said...

I LOVE peppermint. I especially like it WITH chocolate.

Nicole said...

ok, ok - so I guess lots of people like peppermints. I'm just not one of them!!