Sunday, August 31, 2008

The 52 Blessings Project: Week 32

Being able to serve is a blessing. Our church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) owns a vineyard here near us, and the 4 surrounding stakes are tasked with taking care of it. Every year, the call goes out for picking grapes, rolling grapes, etc. All the members come willingly to work hard and serve. (Most of the grapes are made into raisins and distributed to the needy worldwide.)

Matt and Zack went this year to the vineyard - this was Zack's first year going. They got up at the crack of dawn to leave, and came home tired and very dirty, but I can't think of a better way to teach about serving others than to have Zack participate in this area-wide service project. I have never seen Zack's hands this dirty...ever!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- - Mahatma Gandhi


Tammi Shepherd said...

Sounds fun and dirty. Our stake owns a pear orchard so we get to do pear thinning and harvesting. I really enjoy working there although I find it very sad to pull off little pears when we thin and just throw them away, poor little pears, but it has to be done.