Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Round and Round They Go

The boys' elementary school annual jog-a-thon was held today! I spent the morning at the school. Along with many other parents, I always enjoy going and cheering the kids on. They both did really well.

Dylan pulled some sort of goofy face every time he ran by me. He was running hard and loving it!

See? Here he goes again :o). He's giving me the "I love you" sign. So sweet.

A lot of the girls ran holding hands most of the time. I thought that was so cute! The boys were all bumping into each other and being very competitive.

Done, sweaty and tired!

Look at all those laps! I am going to go BROKE!

Dylan's friend Brynley, after the race. She was running hard the whole time! Her little braids were flying.

Zack's turn...he's off!

All finished, and TIRED, too. Zack's track was MUCH bigger than Dylan's. A lot of the 5th and 6th grade boys were walking very slowly much of the time. I was pleased that Zack was running or briskly walking for most of it. Good for him!

Friends Emily and Sue, after the to get popsicles!

I know that our elementary school always raises quite a lot of funds by doing the jog-a-thon every year. I am pleased that the kids both worked so hard to help the school! They are both going to sleep well tonight, no doubt.


Kathi said...

Cute pictures! Love all the sweaty faces.
Yeah. You guessed the show. Loved that part.

Rebecca said...

Yeah, little marathoners in training! Dry Creek's jog-a-thon is tomorrow and I'll be able to go and cheer on my kiddies -- the first time!

Gwen Hawkins said...

What a cute post, and really great pictures!

. said...

That looks like fun! California seems like a fun place to be! You are such a professional blogger. Love your page!