I am irrationally afraid of the dentist.
I have absolutely NO REASON to be afraid of the dentist. I have never had any major dental work done. No braces, only 4 teeny tiny cavities, no root canals - nothing. I have never had a bad dental experience. I have many friends who are dentists. My current dentist is a friend of mine. I have been on double dates with him and his wife. He's a nice guy. I like him. I teach three of his kids voice lessons, for heavens sake.
What is my problem?
Every time I have to go, I get jumpy. My stomach is upset. I watch the clock obsessively until it's time to go. I brush my teeth four times. I don't eat (which is not necessarily a bad thing...).
So last week when my tooth started to hurt, I imagined the worst. Root canal! Infection! All my teeth are falling out! Adult braces! There's going to be pain! I found out this week that I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled. They have come in, and do not fit together right, so I am basically chomping on my gums when I eat (which is another reason NOT to eat, but alas...I continue to eat quite well, thankyouverymuch.)
My dentist said he'd pull them out for me. Again, he's a good guy. He's a great dentist. I totally trust him. But I like him so much, I rather not throw up on him from fear of actually having to have TEETH PULLED, so I scheduled an appointment next week with an oral surgeon. He'll put me to sleep, and I'll wake when it's all over.
Oh, how I love anesthesia. Do you think they'd give it to me when I get my teeth cleaned, too?
How am I going to HIDE this fear from my children? Is it hereditary??
I too have absolutely no reason to fear the dentist. However, I would rather go to the gyno every day of my life than the dentist once a year. Go figure!
I really, really freak out when I have to go to the dentist...they give me this pill and I take it before any appointment. It has yet to work on me.
Having once worked in a dentist's office, I can tell you that your dentist can prescribe you some pretty darn good get yourself looney drugs to help you cope with dental anxiety. And, yes there is such a term.
I have an unhealthy fear of snakes and mice. I can't even seem them in pictures without becoming squeamish and screaming in fear.
Okay friend another thing we share!!! This is getting scary! Unless physically held there I would bolt even as an adult. My mother would stay with me to make sure I didn't leave! Rod takes great care of me and I am pretty much cured, as of the last 2 years. He pulled my wisdom teeth maybe 6 months ago and I was amazed at how easy it was. Just surprised at how physically tired I was after. It will be okay I promise...Reed Van Wagenen is the best oral surgeon and has taken care of me for other things, best of all he is quite understanding with those of us with our complete dreaded fear. And I think it is hereditary, my dad needs a valium before he goes!
I HATE going to the dentist. Hate it.
I hate flying worse though....
gyno over the dentist ANY DAY for sure!
Jen - I am going to Van Wagenen, and Rod is my dentist! Sisters, i tell ya...
I think dentists do that to ALOT of people!!!! You're not alone!
My cousin is a dentist - he reminded me that dentists is one the highest professions that have suicide rates because they are one of the most hated people in the world... oops!
I am exaclty the same way as you! I recently had major pain and had already diagnosed myself with needing a root canal, extractions and wearing dentures before even going.
It ended up being an infection and all I needed were some antibiotics!
Yeah, I'm totally scared of the Dentist...but not as much as my Gyno I have to say. ;) (I think that's because my Gyno has done 2 c-sections on me, and had to save my life -literally- twice!)
I feel for you. I had my wisdom teeth pulled my senior year by an oral surgeon -- had major drugs and was knocked out completely. I fell out of the "resting cot" and landed on the floor which woke me up from my deep sleep. I was delirous, terrified, and couldn't talk. Luckily the nurse found me (it was a dark, small room with a curtain and cot) and I had no idea where I was . . . Not to scare you . . . there's more to the story but I'll stop now . . .
No offense dentists and mechanics. Please don't send hate mail. But dentists are like mechanics to me. They can tell you anything and you wouldn't know. Really. Think about it.
p.s. I like my dentist very much and I don't feel like he's the shady guy under the hood.
OR maybe it's the freaking huge needle. Have to admit I don't know the size because I've never looked at it but it feels huge.
Then hoping the numbness goes away so you don't have to drink from a straw and drool all over yourself for the rest of your life.
Maybe that's it. Maybe.
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