I am so blessed to have Matt as my husband and eternal companion!! We have known each other for almost 18 years now (married for only 2 1/2) - picture above is us in Kanab, visiting my family for the day back in 1990 (in the pic, I am 19, he is 21!). He is such a great dad and a VERY patient husband, which is really important when you are married someone like me :o)
My 10 favorite things about Matt (in no particular order):
My 10 favorite things about Matt (in no particular order):
- Unfailing patience!
- EXCELLENCE at gift-giving
- His testimony, and his ability to express it so eloquently
- His willingness to help ANYONE in need
- His quiet confidence
- Ability to name almost any song from the 70's through the 90's, along with trivia about the song, the name of every person in the band, the year it was made, how much money the song made, how high it went up the charts, who wrote the song...well, you get the idea...
- Love his willingness to be a Dad to two little boys who desperately needed one - and he is SO darn good at it!
- His ability to overlook my moodiness (most of the time...)
- That he loves me despite my Star-Trek nerdiness
- That he is SO fun! A good friend to all - I would rather spend time with him than ANYONE else.
Yeah -- so fun to catch up! I love your 52 Blessings Project idea -- is it too late for me to catch up? Maybe mine will be a 12 Blessings Project idea -- not sure if I can keep up each week!
I laughed when I read the things about Matt and music -- you really hit it right on -- and the fact that he is an excellent gifter. In fact, I'm wearing the red houseslippers right now he gave me several years ago (moth holes and all!).
Dylan is hilarious (grateful for Darth Maul and his Chin-foot). Isn't it great to have the blog to record things like that so easily?! And I love his picture about praying.
Oh -- and how priceless to have the picture of you and Matt as young chicks!
Hey Tiff - yes! Do the blessings project! So much fun!
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