Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Dylan-Dylan-Bo-Billan!

My not-so-little-one is turning 7 today! Seems like just yesterday that they handed him to me in the delivery room...he was looking at me inquisitively with only one eye open. I remember thinking, "this isn't a newborn! This kid looks like he's 2 months old!" He was 8 pounds 10 ounces. Big boy. Much bigger than kid #1.

Dylan made me the mom of TWO boys - I was thrilled to have him. He is a ball of energy...running and jumping and yelling and doing all the things that little boys do...he is tons of fun.

When he was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis (which causes Epilepsy) back in 2006, he was much braver than I was with all the testing...he was and continues to be a trouper dealing with Doctor visits and medicine and such. What a great kid.

Dylan has many friends. He is a fun kid, and loves to play all sports. And sometimes when he gets up in the morning, he STILL looks at me with only one eye open.

Dylan, just 2 days old.

Almost 1 year old

2 1/2 years old in the tub!

One of my favorite pics of Dylan - last year at the beach.

My big 7 year old boy!!

We love you, Dylan! Happy Birthday!!


Gwen Hawkins said...

Happy Birthday Dylan!!!

Anonymous said...


Talynn said...

happy birthday dylan!!!! i love that pic of him when he was almost one....adorable!!!!! :)

Cortney said...

Whoa... how did that happen??!?! Can someone please tell our kids to stop growing up so fast?
Happy Birthday, Dylan. When you're seven, life is heaven!!!

Coopercomics said...

We love you Dylan!!! Happy 7th birthday. Kelly wishes she was there to celebrate with you. :)

Kes said...

Such cute kids!


mommaRx said...

I so remember the little Dylan at one years old. What a cutie I can't believe that he is seven years old! Where does the time go!? What a fun idea for a birthday party- you are definitely the number one party planning mom!