Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For Some Reason...

Whenever I see one of THESE...

...on the side of the road, I have an almost overwhelming urge to run it over.

Weird, huh? Am I the only one?


Valerie said...

It sounds like you may have some deep issues that you need to address. LOL!!! JK!! That's funny! I've never had that urge!

Rebecca said...

Tripods beware! Do you see camera tripods and wish you could plow into those, too? Love the new background.

Nicole said...

No, not camera tripods...only these!

Anonymous said...

NOOOO!! You are not the only one! I freakin wanna do that, or throw up! UGH! Then I think of my poor little sun burt hands, Ouch. "Grrrrr" Thats what I think every time I see one. haha Love ya sista. Glad we had that special time together. :)

PS You are awesome :)

Nicole said...

Ali! I KNEW you would agree with me! That's my girl :o)