Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Flashback TUESDAY Because I Couldn't Wait Til Friday to Post This Awesome Picture

The year? 1984
The subjects? Richard Ashcraft and Matt
The car? Datsun B210 - total chick magnet
The best part about this picture? short shorts and muscle shirts

This is the summer that Rich and Matt spent in Bountiful,Utah living with Matt's grandmother, working, going to Rich's first-ever concert (Judas Priest), and being the California guys that all the girls swooned over, no doubt. Matt's Dad bought the car for them and Rich drove it, since Matt was only 15. Rich was 16.

Glory days!


Gwen Hawkins said...

That picture is AWESOME!!! Soooo funny!

Wade said...

That could be Weston!

Wade said...

Oh, it's Rebecca on my brother-in-law's computer. The Mystery Wade.

Nicole said...

I know! I never thought that Weston looked much like Rich until I saw this picture. They TOTALLY look alike!!