Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eagle Scout, Here We Come

Zack has moved on from Cub Scouts to the Boy Scouts. Well, 11-year old scouts, to be exact. He's kind of in Scout limbo.

Thursday night was the Blue and Gold Dinner, the annual Scout dinner to celebrate the birthday of scouting. Zack also received his Arrow of Light that night.

Here he is, pulling a goofy face when receiving his Arrow of Light.

Pinning me. The mom always gets a lapel pin when the kids accomplish the next level. Very appropriate, since it seems I am prodding (bribing, crying, yelling...whatever it takes) him along the entire way :)

Zack and his buddy Austin, enjoying the pizza dinner.

Zack LOVES scouting. He's really excited to go on more camp outs with his troupe. He is a great scout! Good job, Zachary!