Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just Like Poppi

We've got a lot of very cute Madsen cowboys running around in this family.
Madsen cousins L to R: Dallin, Dylan, Kade and Keenan
(Yes, mine is the cowboy in SHORTS. We haven't perfected the look quite yet. But he IS wearing boots. And a hat. Occasionally, he also wears a CAPE. And I love it.)

Where in the world do they GET this cowboy-thing, you might wonder?

Cause their Poppi is a cowboy. And they all worship him. From the top of his cowboy hat, right down to the tips of his boots.


Heather said...

They're all so adorable!!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Those are some good looking boys...and their Poppi too!!

Jaden Paige said...

Aww! How ADORABLE! Seriously, I absolutely love both of those pictures. Love them.

Nicole said...

Aw, thanks! They are ALL quite adorabe, and that's not even the entire lot of them!

Jared and Misty Jensen said...

VERY handsome crew you have there!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet group of cowboys you have!

Ali said...

Awesome pictures!