Friday, May 15, 2009

Fashion Smashion: You Could Not PAY Me to Wear These

(Well, maybe you could pay me, but it'd have to be a LOT, man. A WHOLE LOT.)

File this under "what the heck was she thinking??"

Love Jennifer Hudson, hate these unflattering, zippered harem pants she wore on the Today show.


Rebecca Jo said...

No thank you... no extra material hanging around my thighs!

I'm totally sure Stacy & Clinton would NOT approve!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I usually never get to see the Today Show, but I happened to catch it this morning and could NOT believe that outfit! Why would anyone ever think of putting her in that on national TV??

Anonymous said...

I think I owned a pair of those in the mid eighties! They were unattractive then, too. I hate the fact that the eighties are back in style!

Nicole said...

I always heard that if you wore it the FIRST time around, you aren't supposed to wear it again!

Darn it - no leg warmers for me ;)

Heather said...

I would totally wear them, but only because the extra fabric will disguise my belly bulge. Ha!

Sturgmom said...

It makes me think of an apple on a stick.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

She needs to FIRE her stylist.

Anonymous said...

Nobody, and I mean *nobody* could look their best in those pants. Good grief.