Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lettin' My Freak Flag Fly...High and Proud

That's right. I am going tonight with a group of trek-lovin' friends (and my poor sister Ali who is being dragged along) to see the new Star Trek movie on opening day.

No, I have never been to a Trek convention (but I totally want to go).

No, I do not have any memorabilia (other than a Christmas tree Riker ornament and some original crew Pez dispensers. I'm not kidding. Both were gifts.)

No, I am not dressing up and wearing pointy ears (only cause I don't have any).

I know you secretly wish you were as secure in your geek-dom as me.

I am SO excited, I almost want to cry.

Live long and prosper.


Cortney said...

We are jealous!! And you wave that flag girl... Trekies, unite!

Sturgmom said...

I hope it lives up to your expectations!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I bought my tickets last night. My brother and I are going tonight to see it on the IMax. I am so excited that the day has finally arrived.

JJ Abrams can do no wrong, so I'm certain I'm going to love this.

Nicole said...

Movie was fantastic! Definitely seeing it again and again!