Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fashion Smashion: Buyers Must Think We Are All Idiots


And you can have these bad boys for the low, low price of only $282.00.

OR - - you can send me $50.00 and I can MAKE you some with a pair of $29.99 Old Navy jeans and a bottle of bleach.

Your choice.


Anonymous said...

Crazy isn't it? My daughter's friend has a pair that are completely, intentionally shredded from ankle to thigh. She loves them - I think they are horrible.

Heather said...

Haha! I love when I see stuff like this or even the holey ones. It's like WHOA!! I'm not paying full price for that. :-)

I guess that's what happen when you become a MOM. You lose all sense of trendy! :-P

Rebecca Jo said...

Yeah... when the ones with the holes were in style & mighty pricey, my husband said, "I didnt realize my work pants were so IN"...

oh, the fun of fashion! And you know someone is going to pay that for a pair of bleached jeans... how messed up is THAT!

Kelly said...

The best part...it says they are out of stock!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have similar thoughts on the raggy jeans. I was thinking just the other day, 'good thing I didn't throw out my worn out jeans because now they're in style agian!' I honestly wouldn't wear them. I'm saving them for a jean quilt but fashion has lost its appeal this year don't ya think?

Nicole said...

I did this to a couple of shirts of mine - maybe I can make it FASHIONABLE!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

I want to look like that in a pair of jeans. How much do you charge for that?

The Rambler said...

Yeah, I don't get it.

That much for a pair of jeans?

Come on fashion people.

Nicole said...

Momma@live - I want to look like that in a pair of jeans, too! The cost for THAT? Priceless!

Sarah Greener said...

hahaha Wow. Has it really come to that??

Oh and you do have really cute nieces!

Bethany said...

$282 for those jeans!??! Holy guacamole no way! I was in Macy's yesterday trying to use a gift card (I'm a goodwill/Kohl's kinda gal) and I found an adorable t-shirt...but it was $80. Um, no.

Tara Rickards said...

Okay, I have been silently stalking your blog. My sister, Jen, said something about one of your posts a while back so I came by to check it out. I totally laughed! You have such a great sense of humor and wit! I quietly left without leaving a comment, but I found myself curious about what else you had to say and occasionally popping back by. So, here I am again, shamefully blogstalking you, but totally entertained! I decided it was time to confess! I know I don't know you, but I think you are great! :-)