Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fashion Smashion: I Could Never Pull This Off

...but I wish I could. I am loving these incredible necklaces! Although I am afraid that if I went grocery shopping or to the park with the kids with one of THESE babies on, I might get a few awkward glances...


Cammie said...

GAH. Me neither

Karen M. Peterson said...

Ah, come on! If you wear it like it's totally normal, no one will question you. :-)

Anonymous said...

those are amazing! but I can only picture it with a little black - or white? - dress. even then... where on EARTH would I be going with one of those on???

Cortney said...

You can pull off anything you want to pull off! These are amazing... I would wear them anywhere.

Rebecca Jo said...

I actually like these... wonder how heavy they are though...

you could wear a plain strapless dress & put just this on & be totally dressed up!

Angie said...

I feel claustrophobic just looking at them...and I'm not even claustrophobic!

Nicole said...

Cortney - YOU could pull of anything you want! Me...? I dunno about that.

Seriously though - if I thought I would EVER go anywhere I could wear them, I'd buy one. But alas...

Sturgmom said...

Wow! Love them. But I'm with you- I just don't think I could pull it off...

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

They are pretty but goodness...I'm afraid my shoulders would get sore.